Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing for

Bentley University Clubs & Organizations


  • Design flyers for events

  • Take photos at events

  • Grow the social media following

  • Expand the number of club members

  • Reach more students across campus

  • Create a positive and welcoming environment

Bentley Climbing Club


  • Drove over a 200% increase in Instagram followers

  • Reached so many students on campus that all of our events maxed out and we had waitlists

  • Many returning club members at out events

View more content and photos at @bentleyrockclimbing on Instagram!


  • Design flyers and promotional materials to increase presence at events

  • Take photos and videos at events

  • Expand the number of club members

  • Promote music and self-expression on campus

WBTY Radio


  • Having the most successful open mic & karaoke night the club has had in years

  • Received the most club engagement and members in years

View more content and photos at on Instagram!


  • Design flyers and promotional materials to increase presence at weekly testing sessions

  • Reach a greater number of students on campus

Bentley Converse Testing Program


  • Drove a 100% increase in Instagram followers in one month

  • Grew the program and made more students aware of it on campus

View more content and photos at @bentleyconverse on Instagram!


Email Marketing


Analyst Relations